POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.advanced-users : Trace, Normal: a problem : Trace, Normal: a problem Server Time
2 Nov 2024 03:17:21 EDT (-0400)
  Trace, Normal: a problem  
From: SamuelT
Date: 28 Jun 2000 12:45:29
Message: <395A2C86.6EDCD317@aol.com>
Hello. I have a problem regarding the MegaPOV feature, 'trace' and
surface normals detected by it. I want to rotate objects according to
the surface normal, to get boxes or other objects to stick out
perpendicular from slanted surfaces. Here is what I tried, using
information for the surface normal from trace:

rotate < Norm.z*90, 0, Norm.x*90 >

In my code the rays are shot straight down onto an object. Boxes are
placed onto the surface of the object and rotated to near accuracy,
but.... The problem is that they aren't rotated precisely! Sure, on the
more horizontal parts boxes are straight up and down, and sure, on the
vertical parts of the object the boxes are placed horizonally...but all
the ones in between down remain perpendicular to the objects' surface! I
don't get it. Is it a bug with the MegaPOV code? Is it a bug wth my own

Thanks in advance. I'll post code and an image describing the problem
later, if anyone who is willing to help needs to know exactly what it
looks like.


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